Now, more than ever, paraprofessionals are uniting together and making their voices heard. From winning historic wage increase campaigns, to demanding respect both in the school house and in the community, paraprofessionals and school related personnel (PSRPs) are on the precipice of changing the educational landscape that would improve all our lives. PSRPs are the connectors between educators, parents, students and the community, ensuring we all have what we need to thrive.
Join AFT Massachusetts and the Boston Teachers Union on Saturday, March 29,2025 for the Para/PSRP Conference! This year's conference is centered around us Moving Forward Together. Here is a list of some of the plenaries and sessions by the following people:
- The history of how Paras came to be and how we got where we are today
- Presented by the PSRP AFT-MA working group and the BTU Para council
- Self-care session
Registration: The deadline for registration is March 19, 2025. To complete your registration, we must receive your REFUNDABLE or your $20.00 check/money order (for the Para Conference). Your payments will not be cashed if you attend the conference.
Please send the check or money order to:
Boston Teachers Union
Attention: Para/PSRP Conference
180 Mount Vernon Street
Dorchester, MA 02125
In addition to sending in your deposit, register here.