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The Commonwealth has taken a much-needed step in the direction of supporting our educators, students and communities with the passing of Question 1 – the Fair Share Amendment. Now that we’ve passed Question 1, we will have a fairer tax system, and an additional $2 billion in annual funding that will be a great boon to the state, and to future generations in Massachusetts. 
The AFT Massachusetts has been a longtime advocate for improving the lives of educators and students within the commonwealth. This new funding will help improve school facilities, provide additional after-school programs for


This November, Massachusetts voters will have the chance to vote on the Fair Share Amendment on the statewide general election ballot. This critically important ballot question would allow Massachusetts to improve our transportation and public education systems by making the very rich pay their fair share.

The ballot question would create a 4 percent tax on annual income above $1 million and dedicate the funds raised to transportation and public education. Only people who earn more than $1 million annually will pay this additional income tax; 99% of us won’t pay a penny more. And we’ll all