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Leahy School Facility, City Council Chambers


Lawrence City Council Chambers
200 Common St.
United States

As we have heard over and over again, the F.M. Leahy school is not fit for learning, and not fit for teaching. With rain and snow coming in failing roofs, dripping on desks, it is falling apart and crowded beyond reason. On 2/15 we will pack the city hall chambers. This is a big ask, one that is vital to ensuring that the basic needs of our students and teachers are met. Thank you for your support.

WHO: YOU and your fellow LPS educators who care about our kids

WHAT: The Lawrence Teachers Union is going to PACK THE ROOM and TAKE THE MIC during the “Public Comment” portion of the City Council meeting on behalf of our Leahy union sisters and brothers.

WHERE: Lawrence City Council Chambers, 200 Common Street.

WHEN: Tue., February 15 at 7 p.m.  Arrive early, please!

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